You Heard It Here First

I’m incredibly talented. Witty, bright, hilarious. I’ve been telling you that for a while; trying to convince you of that for quite some time now. But now, you don’t have to just take my word for it!

Ann Silberman, the talented woman behind agreed to read my book and write a review. I wasn’t sure what to expect–what if my book wasn’t the masterpiece I told myself it was? Close your eyes and envision the fragmented pieces of my delicate ego. Not pretty, right? Mostly because you would be subjected to even more of my whining. Well good news, we’re all in luck, because Ann did like my book.

I know I’ve used this forum for shameless self-promotion before, but in addition to boldly reminding you to buy my book, I would also like to promote the website Breast Cancer? But Doctor…I Hate Pink. Check it out–there’s fun stuff and beautiful merchandise–not to mention Ann’s story, which is truly awe-inspiring.

But don’t worry, there’s still more of me, me, me out there too. Deborah Kalb was kind enough to do a Q&A with me about my book; I find myself fascinating, but turns out her whole website is filled with interesting authors and historical factoids and other cool things.

This is a simple assignment folks-please keep up. The walkway is moving at the same speed as the ride of your life.

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6 Responses to You Heard It Here First

  1. Vanessa says:

    If there is a tour, I’d like to tag along 🙂

    • Jill Foer Hirsch says:

      If there is one person I would love to have along on a road trip, it has to be you! Maybe not ALL the adventures you described in your book, but a little fun here and there…

  2. I love shameless self promotion. At least you know that your message wasn’t so subtle that people missed it! Of course people love your book! What’s not to love. It has naughty words in the title but there is a happy ending.

  3. mimijk says:

    There is no surprise here – of course she loved your book!! I’m telling you the book tour is going to be global!!

    • Jill Foer Hirsch says:

      All I really know is that if there is a tour, you will be my bell-girl. Don’t worry-I never forget a promise!

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