How May I Not Assist You Today?

Shortly after finishing grad school I worked at a start-up company that provided concierge services to shopping malls.  The owner of the company thought it was important that all the office staff spend some time out at a concierge desk so we could better manage the staff out in the field.  I get that, and even agree, but when you think of a concierge, does my face pop up in your mind?

Let’s be honest, I have no tolerance for stupid people.  Do you have any idea how many of them are out there running loose?  Apparently a lot, unless there is a higher proportion of stupid people in shopping malls than in the general public.  But I think not.  Regardless, I am definitely not cut out for retail.

My first gig was at Landmark, right as it re-opened as a mall.  I spent my days tracking down loaner strollers and wheelchairs, and filling out reports about what I was doing all day.  Landmark shoppers had very few questions; mostly they were just going to Sears to buy tools and appliances, and whatever else they needed in Woodies and Hechts.  Yes, Woodward and Lothrop was still open back then.  In any event, other than the danger of dying from boredom, it was OK.

My next assignment was Tysons Galleria II, which was also new.  Most of the time the place was empty, but there was a memorable interaction with a woman who wanted to know the location of the Ritz-Carlton.  I described it and marked up a map of the mall.  She was still puzzled.  “If I come in to the mall from a different entrance, where is the Ritz?”  She showed me an entrance on the other side of the mall and I mapped it out to the hotel.  Still confused.  She pointed to another entrance on the map and said “Where is the Ritz if I come in from this entrance?”  Speaking slowly, and avoiding big words, I explained to her that the Ritz doesn’t move, only she does.  She studied the map again and finally walked away, but she was not clear on where we kept hiding the Ritz.

My final assignment was White Flint.  Unlike my previous stints, the mall was packed all the time and there were lots of people asking lots of questions.  People most frequently asked about the location of I. Magnin.  Note that the concierge desk was literally right in front of the store.  I finally stopped answering and started just pointing.  If they still didn’t catch on I would just take them by the shoulders and twist them around.

The single most annoying thing was that 9 out of 10 people asked about I. Magnum.  I know it seems like a little thing, but spend 8 hours a day listening to it and it starts to grate.  The last straw, and the end of my “career” as a concierge, was when I worked until the mall closed at 6:00 on Christmas Eve.  I was stuck with idiots who were frantic, which is not a good combination.  There seemed to be a lot of men who had just heard it was Christmas Eve, and realized they had no gift for the little woman.  To recap, now I have frantic idiots who are motivated purely by fear.  It was the Perfect Storm.

The men were wild-eyed, demanding that I tell them what they should buy their wife.  Does she like perfume?  Umm, unclear.  Does she need a robe or a new coat?  I dunno.  Shoes maybe? I recommend you buy a size 7.  And they would do it!  As if I had some way of divining someone’s shoe size.  In allegiance to the sisterhood, I steered them toward things that could easily be exchanged.

I was almost home free.  It was 5:55 or so and then it happened.  “Where is I. Magnum?”  I should have been stronger, I should have just pointed, but I was seriously over the whole job.  I heard myself saying “Sir, I. MagnIN  is right the [bleep] behind you!”  Then just for the heck of it I smiled and wished him a Merry Christmas.  He didn’t know what to make of all that and just quietly stepped away from the desk.

All that, and I never even earned my Gold Key.

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Grumpy Sunday

I’m distraught.  I went out to brunch last Sunday and ordered what was alleged to be bagel and lox.  My meal arrived and for a moment I couldn’t even speak.  What was I seeing?  There was a pile of old-looking lox dumped on one side of the plate, and what I could only assume was a bagel somewhere in the middle.  I couldn’t tell for sure because it was hidden under a pile of pale diced tomatoesOn what planet is this OK?  Just give me back my thick slice of beefsteak tomato and nobody gets hurt.

There was also the matter of the bagel.   The bagel was doughy in all the wrong ways.  It had cream cheese on it, sort of, but it was spread so thin you could see right through it and some of the surface had no cream cheese on it at all. I gnawed on the cream-cheesed part of the bagel, but my heart wasn’t in it. I don’t want to overreact but the whole mess was no less than an affront to humanity.

And as if all that wasn’t enough drama, the woman who was supposed to meet me there stood me up. I barely know her but she had offered to give me advice on entrepreneurship over brunch.

Let’s face it, the morning was a bust.  No edible brunch, no advice and definitely no need to be there in the first place. The only reason I even ordered something to eat was because I felt bad that I had taken up a table for so long when the place was packed. And when I finally told the server that the second guest wouldn’t be joining me after all, he gave me the sympathy look that says ”Gee it’s a shame you’re a loser.”

I take comfort in the fact that you guys know I’m totally not a loser…right?

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Relax, It’s Passover

Happy Passover!  This is the time of year when I watch The Ten Commandments for the 87th time and still worry that the sea will close in on the escaping Jews.  And I really wish that Pharoah’s horses didn’t have to go down with the troops.  They certainly did not do anything wrong.  I try to block out the thought that Charlton Heston is now the poster child for the NRA.  It’s all good when he’s playing Moses throughout the 16 hour movie.

I appreciate Moses leading the Jews out of slavery, because it means that we can all have a really nice Seder together now.  For those of you who may not know, the Seder centers on 4 questions that sort of summarize the whole escaping from Egypt thing.  Typically the youngest child asks the questions, but if the kid is no good with Hebrew someone else will butt right in.  So why is tonight different from all other nights?

Q: Why do we eat only unleavened bread on this night?

A:  Because Giant was having a fantastic sale on matzoh.

Q:  Why do we recline on pillows on this night?

A:  Because chances are you will doze off at some point in the service.

Q.  Why do we eat bitter herbs on this night?

A:  Because we are Jews.  It reminds us that we can’t just sit back and relax; we have to know that just because everything is fine now doesn’t mean we won’t be on the run again.  Plus, it’s funny to make little kids eat bitter herbs.  Oy, the faces they make!

Q:  Why do we dip our foods twice tonight?

A:  Because we all just had chicken soup—no one is going to get sick.  Now do what your mother tells you to do and stop asking all these fekaktah questions a’ready.

If you want to know the “real” answers, have at it:

Passover is the time when Jews all over the world say “next year in Jerusalem!”  Although I guess people who are actually in Jerusalem don’t say that.  They probably say “next year in more comfortable chairs!”

Anyway, the spirit of the holiday strikes a familiar chord.  We were persecuted, then we ran somewhere that was probably going to be chock full of even more persecution.  Now pass the brisket.

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Gone To The Dogs

A couple of years ago, thanks to our friends who own the beautiful Byrne Gallery in Middleburg, VA, we had the opportunity to meet Yuri Gorbachev.  A prolific artist, his paintings hang everywhere from the White House to the Louvre.  He’s pretty good and stuff.  Among his collections, there are many Cat/Russia themed pieces.  Given that my two obsessions are cats and all things Russian, you can see why I’m so enchanted with his work. Yes, he’s related to that other Gorbachev.  Plus, when he’s back in Russia he can see Sarah Palin from his house.

We quickly discovered that Yuri has a personality bigger than life.  Every now and again, apropos to nothing, he would stand very tall and declare “I am Yuri Gorbachev, famous international artist!”

yuri (3)

He’s very charming and clearly has excellent taste in women because he kept kissing my hand and telling me I was beautiful.

If you buy one of Yuri’s paintings, or even just a book, he will draw something special for you on the back.  We bought a painting that night and he drew an elaborate elephant on the back.  He also wrote and drew in a book for us.


I was really enjoying myself before an uptight little woman started whining in my ear.  She was telling me how her dog was very famous; he had been on The Today Show and was now brokering world peace or something.  The woman then pulled out a book she bought that evening and showed me Yuri’s drawing on the inside cover.  She said “I asked Yuri to draw my dog.  This doesn’t look anything like my dog!”  She held up a picture of her dog next to the drawing to make her point.  She was actually annoyed that Yuri had drawn a stylized dog in his hallmark style.  As if he was an artist or something.

The woman told me she was going to go ask Yuri to draw a new dog that looked just like her award-winning dog.  I put on my “now I’m talking to a crazy person” voice and tried to calm her down.  When that didn’t work I just flat out started begging her not to go talk to him about the dog, but she was dead set on her path.

I realized if I kept talking to her Yuri might find me guilty by association, so mid-sentence I just turned my back and put some distance between us.  Still, I was close enough to see her showing Yuri the picture of the damn dog and comparing it to Yuri’s beautiful drawing.  The woman was fixated on the ears, which either should or should not have been floppier or something.

And people say artists are crazy?  Do you think Mona Lisa’s mother ranted at Leonardo da Vinci that her daughter’s smile should be wider?

Yuri grabbed the book and carefully studied the picture of the perfect pooch.  He quickly sketched some embellishments on the dog and showed it to the woman.  But was she happy with that?  Of course not.  She was scowling and telling Yuri the drawing still wasn’t right.  I was really hoping he was going to throw the book back in her face, but he just kept on smiling while he completely ignored her and started talking to someone who was actually buying one of his pieces.

For some reason she came dashing back over to me.  “Do you believe this?  Do you believe what Yuri did?”  I quite honestly answered that I really couldn’t believe it.

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Have A Laugh On Me. Please.

You know what’s funny?  No?  Neither does Dan.  He is by far my toughest audience.  He tends to sit quietly while I laugh at my own jokes.  How pathetic does that make me?

My millions (upon millions) of adoring fans find me very funny, and quick with the one-liners.  But Dan?  Nothing.  So I prompt him, “Did you hear me?  I just said something funny, ”  to which he says “Oh.”

Recently I was watching nonsense on TV as usual and a show came on called World’s Best Log Cabins or something.  I was of course immediately spellbound.  I said “Well it’s about time someone made a show about log cabins. I knew something was missing in my life.” And Dan said “    ”  Later in the show we learned that a fully complete log cabin could be fabricated and then shipped out across the country.  I made a ding-dong doorbell noise and said “honey, our house is here!”  Nope, nothing.  My world famous Mike Tyson impression?  Nothing.

I get a little desperate sometimes. Recently I grabbed Jack‘s paws and made it look as if he was driving a car and sang the Toonces, The Driving Cat theme song.  I was cracking myself up, Jack was outraged and Dan gave us an almost half-smile.


I went so far as to do the catwalk in a hospital gown with high heels, lots of jewelry and a genuine supermodel look that said “I’m grumpy because I haven’t eaten anything but lettuce since 1996,” right before surgery, mind you.  Seriously, I brought props to the hospital. The nurses thought it was hysterical right before they told me to cool it.  Dan smiled.  Not like a huge smile, but it was something.


And it’s not like Dan doesn’t have a great sense of humor.  He laughs at other stuff, and is actually very witty.  He doesn’t talk a lot, but when he does it’s not unusual for him to slip in something hilarious.  And I always, always laugh when he says something funny.  I never leave him just standing there waiting for a laugh.  Just sayin’.

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Does Not Compute

You know, for the longest time sci-fi was full of crazy things that could happen in the future.  Things like machines taking over the world.  With all due respect to HAL, puh-lease!  As if that could ever happen.

Here’s the thing though; have you looked around lately?  When you get in your car each day, is there not a little squawking box telling you where to go?  I know that you wouldn’t execute a decision until you check in with Siri and get her “opinion.”  I’m pretty sure I’m the last person in the country who has neither GPS nor an iPhone.  Emotionally, I’m just not prepared.

Caller ID has been around for a long time; in fact my phone speaks up and tells me who’s calling and flashes the name and number on my TV screen.  It seems so natural now, but if someone told me in 1980 that my phone would someday tell me who’s calling…well, I’d assume they were also getting messages from the CIA through an aluminum foil hat.  Actually, back then it was probably the KGB that worried me more.

Yikes.  Digression is my middle name.  Possibly my first name.  I mean when you really think about it digression is the way we…

Ooops!  Back to the topic at hand. When was the last time someone said “my computer won’t let me” and you nodded your head knowingly?  Yep, those darn machines.  What can we do?  I mean if it won’t let you, it won’t let you.  Smart phones, on the other hand, “let” you do anything.  Last year I was working the hospitality booth at the ALA conference and we had a “guess how many gumballs” contest.  Someone tried to cheat using a guess-how-many-gumballs app.  Yep, there really is an app for that.

Even Tivo, which is absolute perfection, not to mention the closest I’ve ever come to a spiritual experience, tracks what I like to watch and suggests that I record every show on Bravo, twice.  For all I know, one day Tivo is going to decide my brain is turning to mush and only record shows on PBS.  If it happens, it happens—what power do I have?

While technically I can still browse the shelves of a library or visit one of the three book stores left on this continent, the reality is that Amazon tells me what I like to read, saving me from all that mind-numbing decision-making.

I’m just relieved that we are all sophisticated enough to put this silly sci-fi stuff to rest.  Machines telling us what to do?  No way.

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Laissez Le Buon Tempi Rotolare!

For Lent this year I gave up asking people what Lent is about.  I honestly don’t get it, but I won’t ask about it again until after whatever day it is that Lent is over.  Maybe Easter?

The few things I know about this holiday season I learned by going to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.  But then I went to Carnevale in Venice last year and learned some different stuff.  I’ve listed some of the more interesting contrasts below.  Any questions?

Mardi Gras


Beverage of Choice

24 ounce Hurricane in a   souvenir cup

A lovely glass of Chianti

Food of Choice

Supersized Po’ Boys with   a Jambalaya chaser

Frutti di Mer in a   delicate white wine sauce served over homemade pasta


Lose your bra for Mardi   Gras!

Ciao Bella!

Primary Activity

Drinking Hurricanes on   Bourbon Street

Strolling arm in arm   beside moonlit canals

Secondary Activity

Drinking Hurricanes on   Bourbon Street

Sipping cappuccino

Men’s Attire

Stained T-shirt, jeans   and beer soaked wig

A low-key selection from   the Armani for Carnevale costume collection

Women’s Attire

Daisy Dukes and any old   shirt; it’s coming off anyway

Tasteful, handcrafted   period costume


Plastic, made in China

Handpainted porcelain or   glass crafted by a master Maskmaker


Yep.  Lots of ’em

Mi scusi?


Rex, Zulu, Comus,   Orpheus, Proteus, Bacchus, Hermes, Muses, Druids…how much time do you have?

Mi scusi?

Easter Day Activity

Nibbling on chocolate   bunnies

Mass in Latin at St.   Mark’s


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For Real?

I’ve been giving some thought to the world of mental health, and not even for the reasons you think.  As always, the world of reality TV shapes my perception of real; it’s all gotten very confusing.  I don’t want to worry anyone, but my doctor told me I’m very susceptible to RTD, Reality Television Disorder.

I should be monitoring my intake of reality TV, but (as I mentally stop my foot) I don’t want to give it up!  Reality TV proves my lifelong theory that we’re all weird and crazy.  Every last one of us.  Yes, I know that begs the question of “what’s normal?”, but I haven’t come up with a smart ass answer for that yet.  Calm down and stay tuned.

Flipping through the 346 channels of cable/satellite selections, you may have come across Discovery Fit and Health (DFH).  I found it when a show called Extreme Couponing caught my eye. Every episode features some wild-eyed shopper who, no joke, knows how to get their groceries for free, or even make money, using coupons, store specials, double couponing days and who knows what else.  I think their real trick is that they bring all their kids with them to distract the cashier.  But hey, good for them.

It turns out that DFH also airs Extreme Cheapskate, Hoarding:  Buried Alive and hopefully coming soon, Extreme Reality TV Fans, which could actually be my big break into show biz! They also just launched a series called Funeral Boss; I haven’t had time to watch it yet but it looks promising.

Looking through regularly scheduled programming, apparently DFH also airs a show called Confessions:  Animal Hoarding. Imagine my shock and horror when I saw an episode about cats, description:

A 27-year-old who cleans obsessively – and keeps dead cats in her freezer. A family is shattered when mom picks pets over kids.

Dan doesn’t watch much TV, but he likes the show Monsters Inside Me, with episodes like:

A young woman in Texas discovers that her lungs are filled with parasitic worms.

To its credit, DFH has managed to sneak two 30 minute exercise shows into their 24 hours of programming each day, but that’s about it for the Fit and Health part.  The rest is all assorted crap.  Why can’t they call the channel Discovery Assorted Nuts or Discovery Creepy People?

I promise to keep watching and try to find out why.

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Watch Your Step!

I had a little bit of Cat Drama yesterday morning. Helen was clinging so closely to my leg that I stepped on her tail.  She went under a table for a while and I begged her to tell me if she was OK.  Crickets.  But, after a few minutes she wandered into the kitchen and managed to energetically suck up both her kibbles and bits.  In my mind I thought maybe she was limping a little but it’s pretty hard to tell because she waddles rather than walks. She seemed to be resting comfortably so I figured she must be OK.

When Dan got home he checked her out and thought she was fine, but that didn’t stop him from interrogating me like a criminal. He wanted to know what happened, when it happened, how hard I stepped on her tail, why I didn’t see her. Does he really think that I saw Helen’s tail and decided to step on it for fun? The whole thing was so ridiculous I finally told him I couldn’t find a puppy to kick so I stomped on Helen instead.

Dan sat down in our new ergo desk chair to ponder the puppy statement.   He was successfully annoying me by swiveling and rolling the chair around the kitchen, when suddenly he got a worried look on his face and warned me that it would be easy to run over a cat while I was sliding around, so I should be very careful.  He said the chair was a timely reminder that I need to be more alert and not, and I quote, “bulldoze” the cats.

Huh?  What does he think I do all day, storm through the house like Godzilla, destroying everything in my path? Skin Dalmations like Cruella DeVille?  Hunt wolves from a helicopter?

Just to get his dander up, I sent him this email today:

Janet was sprawled out across one of the stairs this morning but in my buffalo-like fashion I didn’t notice.  I crushed her.  Ooops.  My bad!  Can you please stop by Washington Animal Rescue League tonight and pick up a replacement?  Thanks honey.

Hopefully he will stop harassing me now.  If not, it’s time to let loose the flying monkeys.

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The Candidate

OK, so maybe I should have paid closer attention when I applied for the job. I definitely should have researched the organization before my phone interview. It probably would have been good if I remembered I had an interview. Hey, it’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, but these things happen.

I applied for a job with a non-profit, and they contacted me to set up a phone interview. I swear I put it on my calendar…seriously, I’m like 93% sure I put it on the calendar. Luckily, I’m pretty fast on my feet. So after the second time I asked the caller, in my totally annoyed voice (you’ve all heard it) what he was calling about, I actually stopped and listened. A little tiny dim light bulb popped up in my brain.

I immediately switched gears from my annoying voice to my semi-fake phone voice. Chipper! Perky! Energetic! Sometimes it actually works. In the meanwhile, I made a little small talk (great interview tip by the way) so I could get to my computer and check out the organization’s website. It popped right up and the stub I saw said something like “For years, Union advocates…”

Before I had a chance to click the link he was asking me why I was interested in the organization. I launched into a whole thing about how much I support Unions, and why I think it’s important that they have a voice, blah blah blah. He continued with the usual interview questions, and by the time we finished I was feeling pretty good about things. Sure, we got off to a rocky start, but I finessed it.

As I was sitting around thinking about how great I was, I went ahead and clicked on the actual website.  It said something like “For years, Union advocates have lied to the public and pushed the political agenda.” Oh. I went on to read about their lobbying efforts which are in opposition to just about everything I believe. You can believe they had a lot to say about family values. What we had was a full on right wing organization with some innocuous name that sounded like they advocated for rainbows and unicorns.

Okey dokey then. My bad for sure. On the bright side, I wouldn’t work there for all the money in the world. Still though. I don’t know why I cared, but I wanted the interviewer to know that I understood how ridiculous I sounded, so I sent him an email and thanked him for his time, and apologized for clearly being so unprepared. He sent a very nice note in response.

I thought about all the years I sat on the other side of the desk and collected stories of whack job candidates. Let’s be clear that I’m not one of them! They are legit losers whereas I was just having an off day. But I know in my heart that when this guy is swapping war stories, I will always be one of the nutsos. Sure, he may have a couple of laughs about the woman with her skirt tucked into her pantyhose or the guy who brought his mother to the interview. But sooner or later, I’ll be the “no seriously, you won’t believe this” story.

I humbly accept my fate.

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