I caught a segment on Spring Fashion on the Today show. I am horrified but must repeat their report that overalls are “back” in style. I don’t set these trends folks, I just report them.
First of all, in my mind overalls have never been a good option for anyone over the age of 8. If you are old enough to pay attention to fashion trends, you are too old to wear them. Don’t get sucked in to the myth that someone named Osh Kosh B’Gosh is a hot new designer. In general, and I know there are exceptions, but as a rule of thumb, if something would look adorable on your 4 year old, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it, and vice versa.
I don’t claim to be a fashion maven although I am certainly someone who has spent a sizeable portion of disposable income on beautiful clothes and adorable shoes. Sizeable portion, trust me on that. And I’m not even saying I never got caught up in the overall trend, last time it came around. Also painter’s pants. In a rainbow of colors. What, you think I’m proud of that? No! But I’m keeping it real. It was the 70s and that’s just how we rolled.

I had these in every color of the rainbow. Yet the only thing I’ve ever in my life painted was my nails.
Look, you don’t have to be Anna Wintour to understand that no adult looks good in overalls. If you have a great body, you’re just covering it all up. Conversely, if you have areas that could use a little camouflage, or a lot; overalls won’t work for that either. So let’s pretend we never heard that overalls were a thing. Again.
Umm . . . no! Who decides this stuff, anyway?
Perhaps someone with a warehouse full of women’s overalls that never sold in the 70s!!
This brings back memories – overalls, painter’s pants, jumpsuits, tube tops. I even wore knee socks with shorts. Aaach! What was I thinking? I blame my mother. 🙂
Not just any knee socks though. Let me guess that they were white tube socks with color bands at the top. And perhaps a satin baseball jacket? I’m channeling the cover of my beloved Andy Gibb album. Ahh, nothing to blame but being a tween during a really bad fashion moment.
OMG – how did you know? Did your mother dress you funny, too?
Wish I could blame my mom but I recall begging her to buy me that stuff!
Are the people who decided overalls are a good idea the same people who decided Jennifer Aniston is the world’s most beautiful woman? Nobody asked me to vote on that topic. I never have a voice in the People’s Choice Awards either. I’m people! Why don’t I get to cast a ballot?
You and I are people, technically, but we are not THE people. We’re not tan and blonde and slender. And tall. I think you need to be tall to count.
There are a lot of things adorable in that last picture but the overalls ain’t one of them. 😉
Yeah but it was hard for me to ignore when I was searching for images…
I have a decades old pair of brown painter’s overall that I wear…..to paint. Overalls and their cousin, the jumpsuit, are a travesty. I just realized that a jumpsuit is a fancied up mechanic’s coverall. I don’t work on cars, no wonder I hate them.
Yikes! I hadn’t even explored the concept of jumpsuits. Lots of fashion ground to cover.
I have to pee too often to even consider them.
OMG excellent point! Another sound reason that this whole thing is ridiculous.
So not flattering. Would not even wear them for painting or yard work.
What is this “painting” and “yard work” of which you speak? I’ve heard tell of such things but…isn’t that why I have a check book?