All About Me, Me, Me

I know I have been neglecting my blogging duties, but it was for a good reason. I have been gallivanting about town doing Serious Authorly Things. I had an Author Talk and Book Signing at a local bookstore, where hundreds, no, thousands of my adoring fans stood in line in the cold snow just to catch a glimpse of me. OK, well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. In truth, friends whom I nagged nonstop for the last month came by just to get me off their backs. It was a lot of fun and I am truly grateful to One More Page Books and to all my friends and family who made their way over last Monday.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Breast Cancer Wellness magazine published one of my articles; click here and go to p. 32.

So in conclusion, I would love to write more, but I’m too busy writing more. Or something like that. I shall do my best to regale you again soon with tales of my crazy life and times.

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12 Responses to All About Me, Me, Me

  1. bethteliho says:

    UGH I’m also so behind in blogging duties I missed this post! CONGRATS on the book signing – TOO COOL. and super congrats for your magazine article. You are such a supah star! I love the way you write with humor and humility. I hope you do write more because you’re a amazing talent with a lot to share. MWA!

    • Jill Foer Hirsch says:

      Thanks so much Beth! Without a doubt, writing helped me get through cancer and heal more quickly (except when I busted sutures from laughing at my own jokes, while loaded on painkillers).

  2. Pam Waits says:

    Congrats on the book signing and being too successful to blog! It makes your loyal readers want it even more! Loved the article, too.

  3. Lisa says:

    Mazal tov on your success. I wish we could have come to the book signing. Keep us posted if there more.

  4. Deb says:

    I loved the way you write humor into your article. It’s so – Jill.

  5. betsey says:

    Excellent piece in the magazine!

    • Jill Foer Hirsch says:

      Thanks Betsey! It’s amazing how much mileage I can get out of one little bout with cancer. I mean, talk about beating a dead horse!

  6. Jill Foer Hirsch says:


  7. katecrimmins says:

    Well, we miss you dammit!

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